pre & post treatment
To achieve maximum results from your treatment, we have compiled some pre and post treatment advice.
lipofirm Pro Aftercare
To achieve the maximum results from your treatment, we recommend the following:
- Moderate exercise is beneficial.
- A “clean” diet is recommended for at least 5 hours.
- Drink at least 2 litres of water per day, for the entire course of treatment.
Things to avoid:
- Alcohol and caffeine for 24 hours
- Heavy foods for 24-48 hours
- Refined sugars – sweets, chocolate, cakes and sweeteners.
- Refined carbohydrates – Potatoes, white bread and white pasta/rice.
- Avoid fizzy and sugary drinks.
- Heat treatments such as sunbeds, steam and sauna for 24 hours
Things to enjoy:
- Still water – flavour with lemon, limes, and cucumber.
- Fruit and vegetables.
- Lean protein – fish, white and red meat.
- Complex carbohydrates – brown bread, brown pasta/rice, and sweet potatoes.
The fat cells in the area have been treated and cell metabolism has been increased so for long term results it is advised to support the treatment with a healthy diet outside of the clinic.
You may experience increased passing of urine, which may also be stronger/darker in colour.
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Dermalux led aftercare
To achieve the maximum results from your Dermalux® LED Phototherapy treatment, we recommend the following:
Things to do:
- Apply the recommended skin care products which should include SPF protection (daytime only)
- Drink plenty of water to maintain hydration levels and aid the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins
Things to note:
- If your LED Phototherapy has been used in conjunction with any other aesthetic procedures, your specific skincare advice should be followed.
- Make-up can be applied immediately following LED Phototherapy. We recommend the use of mineral based or non-comedogenic formulations that allow your skin to breath.
- In the unlikely event that any adverse reaction occurs following your treatment, please contact us within 24 hours for advice.
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