Discover the inside out approach to beauty with No. 16 Green Superfoods, stir it, blend it, sprinkle it…. Wellbeing in a teaspoon.
Formulated to help maintain optimum vitality, to promote healthy digestion and skin wellbeing, as well as supporting the immune system.
Its suitable for all skin types and is available to purchase in clinic or online at the Lux Shop
View our gallery for recipe ideas using No.16 Green Superfoods.
Collagen Drinks
Collagen is a vital skin protein; it is nature’s own ingredient for keeping our bodies firm, springy and supple. You’ll find collagen not only in skin but in your nails, connective tissues, bones, muscles and blood vessels. It is essential for tissue repair, joint health and cell regeneration.
So to help! You can top up your collagen which comes in many forms including powders, capsules, liquids and gels and is designed to be used in a number of different ways.
Our top selling collagen products are:
- Collagen Cordial
- Collagen Shots
- Collagen Capsules and Hyaluronic Capsules
Suitable for all skin types and is available to purchase in clinic or online at the Lux Shop